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GEORG FRIEDRICH HAENDEL L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato Les Arts Florissants William Christie

2 CD
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Œuvre hybride entre l’oratorio, l’ode et la sérénade, L’Allegro… compte assurément parmi les pages les plus mystérieuses de Haendel, mais aussi les plus inspirées ! Avec la poésie qu’on leur connaît, William Christie et Les Arts Florissants nous proposent de redécouvrir ce chef-d’œuvre, où le compositeur transfigure la métaphysique en peinture, et les idées en pures émotions.

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CD1 PARTE PRIMA · Accompagnato (L'Allegro - tenor) : Hence loathed Melancoly ( 01'53) · Accompagnato (Il Penseroso - soprano) : Hence vain deluding joys (00'51) · Air (L'Allegro - boy soprano) : Come, thou goddess, fair and free (01'36) · Air (Il Penseroso - soprano) : Come rather, goddess sage and holy (03'20) · Air & Chorus (L'Allegro - tenor) : Haste thee, nymph, and bring with thee (02'33) · Air & Chorus (L'Allegro - tenor) : Come, and trip it as you go (02'38) · Accompagnato (Il Penseroso - soprano) : Come, pensive nun, devout and pure (01'05) · Arioso (Il Penseroso - soprano) : Come, but keep thy wonted state (01'23) · Chorus : Join with thee calm peace, and quiet (01'16) · Recitative (L'Allegro - tenor) : Hence, loathed Melancholy; Recitative (L'Allegro - boy soprano) : And if I give thee honour due (00'32) · Air (L'Allegro - boy soprano) : Mirth, admit me of thy crew (03'54) · Accompagnato (Il Penseroso - soprano) : First, and chief, on golden wing (00'43) · Air (Il Penseroso - soprano) : Sweet bird, that shun'st the noise of folly (11'37) · Recitative (L'Allegro - bass) : If I give thee honour due (00'10) · Air (L'Allegro - bass) : Mirth, admit me of thy crew (02'49) · Air (Il Penseroso - soprano) : Oft on a plat of rising ground (03'25) · Recitative (L'Allegro - tenor) : If I give thee honour due (00'11) · Air (L'Allegro - tenor) : Let me wander, not unseen (02'10:) · Air & Chorus (L'Allegro - boy soprano) : Or let the merry bells ring round  (04'05)CD2 PARTE SECONDA · Accompagnato (Il Penseroso - soprano) : Hence, vain deluding joys  (01'18) · Air (Il Penseroso - soprano) : But oh, sad virgin ( 05'57) · Recitative (Il Penseroso - soprano) : Thus, night oft see me (00'15) · Chorus (Il Penseroso - bass) : Populous cities please me then  (03'12) · Air (L'Allegro - tenor) : There let Hymen oft appear  (02'25) · Accompagnato (Il Penseroso - soprano) : Me, when the sun begins to fling (00'40) · Air (Il Penseroso - soprano) : Hide me from day's garish eye (03'33) · Air (L'Allegro - tenor) : I'll to the well-trod stage anon (02'01) · Air (L'Allegro - boy soprano) : And ever against eating cares (02'59) · Air & Chorus (L'Allegro - tenor) : These delights if thou canst give (03'21) · Recitative (Il Penseroso - Soprano) : But let my due feet never fail (00'35) · Chorus & solo : There let the pealing organ blow ; Solo (Il Penseroso - Soprano) : And let their sweetness, through mine ear (02'45) · Fugue Organo ad libitum (02'13) · Solo & Chorus (Il Penseroso - soprano) : These pleasures, Melancholy, give  (04'13) · PARTE TERZA Accompagnato (Il Moderato - bass) : Hence, boast not, ye profane (00'25) · Air (Il Moderato - bass) : Come, with native lustre shine (03'01) · Accompagnato & Chorus (Il Moderato - bass) : Sweet temp'rance (02'29) · Air (Il Moderato - soprano) : Come, with gentle hand restrain (01'52) · Recitative (Il Moderato - tenor) : No more short life (00'36) · Air (Il Moderato - tenor) : Each action will derive new grace (02'22) · Duet (Il Moderato - soprano & tenor) : As steals the morn upon the night (06'01) · Chorus : Thy pleasures, Moderation, give (03'32)


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