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GEORG FRIEDRICH HAENDEL Salomon, oratorio en trois actes (Londres, 1749) RIAS Kammerchor, Daniel Reuss


Extrait: No.5 Accompagnato. Solomon Almighty pow'r

C’est à l'âge de 63 ans que Haendel composa Salomon, l’un de ses derniers chefs-d’œuvre. Cet oratorio monumental décrit l’apogée du roi biblique à travers les trois grands moments de sa vie – la construction du temple, le célèbre jugement et la visite de la reine de Saba. Avec un sens dramatique plus affûté que jamais, le compositeur n'hésitait pas à mêler réflexion politique et patriotique à l'exaltation de l’amour charnel et à la célébration des richesses terrestres. Symbiose inédite entre la musique et la langue anglaise selon Winton Dean, l'ouvrage engendra en 1749 de sérieuses difficultés financières à cause de ses effectifs exceptionnels – mais il trouve aujourd'hui sous la baguette de Daniel Reuss des interprètes totalement acquis à sa noble cause !

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No.1 Overture (6'55)
· Scene 1
No.2 Chorus of Priests Your harps and cymbals sound (3'40)
· No.3 Air. Levite Praise ye the Lord for all his mercies past (4'58)
· No.4 Chorus of Priests With pious heart, and holy tongue (4'44)
· No.5 Accompagnato. Solomon Almighty pow'r (3'15)
· No.6 Recitative. Zadok Imperial Solomon (0'32)
· No.7 Air. Zadok Sacred raptures cheer my breast (4'33)
· No.8 Chorus of Israelites Throughout the land Jehovah's praise record (3'51)
· No.9 Recitative. Solomon Bless'd be the Lord (0'26)
· No.10 Air. Solomon What though I trace each herb and flow'r (5'59)
· Scene 2
No.11 Recitative. Solomon And see my queen, my wedded love (0'41)
· No.12 Air. Queen Bless'd the day when first my eyes (4'52)
· No.13 Recitative. Solomon, Queen Thou fair inhabitant of Nile (0'43)
· No.14 Duet. Queen, Solomon Welcome as the dawn of the day (3'28)
· No.17 Recitative. Solomon My blooming fair (0'09)
· No.18 Air. Solomon Haste, haste to the cedar grove (2'45)
· No.19 Recitative. Queen When thou art absent from my sight (0'15)
· No.20 Air. Queen With thee th'unshelter'd moor I'd tread (2'25)
· No.21 Recitative. Zadok Search round the world (0'11)
· No.22 Chorus May no rash intruder disturb their soft hours (4'25)
Scene 1

No.23 Chorus of Israelites From the censer curling rise (5'20)
· No.24 Recitative. Solomon Prais'd be the Lord (0'54)
· No.25 Air. Solomon When the sun o'er yonder hills (4'05)
· No.26 Recitative. Levite Great Prince, thy resolution's just (0'19)
· No.27 Air. Levite Thrice bless'd that wise discerning king (3'24)
· Scene 2
No.28 Recitative. Attendant, Solomon My sovereign liege
Scene 3
First Harlot Thou son of David, hear a mother's grief
· No.29 Trio. Solomon, two Harlots Words are weak to paint my fears (5'17)

· No.30 Recitative. Solomon, 2nd Harlot What says the other to th'imputed charge? (1'11)
· No.31 Air. Second Harlot Thy sentence, great king (1'56)
· No.32 Recitative. First Harlot Withhold, withhold the executing hand (0'11)
· No.33 Air. First Harlot Can I see my enfant gor'd (4'33)
· No.34 Accompagnato. Solomon Israel, attend to what your king shall say (1'31)
· No.35 Duet. First Harlot, Solomon Thrice bless'd the king (3'06)
· No.36 Chorus of Israelites From the east unto the west (2'54)
· No.37 Recitative. Zadok From morn to eve I could enraptur'd sing (0'17)
· No.38 Air. Zadok See the tall palm that lifts the head (5'46)
· No.39 Recitative. First Harlot No more shall armed bands our hopes destroy (0'19)
· No.40 Air. First Harlot Beneath the vine, or fig-tree's shade (6'27)
· No.41 Chorus of Priests Swell, swell the full chorus to Solomon's praise (3'10)
No.42 Symphony: arrival of the Queen of Sheba (2'52)
· No.43 Recitative. Queen of Sheba, Solomon From Arabia's spicy shores (1'10)
· No.44 Air. Queen of Sheba Ev'ry sight these eyes behold (4'42)
· No.45 Recitative. Solomon Sweep, sweep the string (0'13)
· No.46 Solo. Solomon and Israelites Music, spread thy voice around (2'31)
· No.47 Solo. Solomon and Israelites Now a diff'rent measure try (1'53)
· No.48 Recitative. Solomon Then at once from rage remove (0'31)
· No.49 Chorus of Israelites Draw the tear from hopeless love (2'51)
· No.50 Recitative. Solomon Next the tortur'd soul release (0'15)
· No.51 Solo. Solomon and Israelites Thus rolling surges rise (3'42)
· No.52 Recitative Queen of Sheba Thy harmony's divine, great king (1'01)
· No.53 Recitative. Zadok Thrice happy king, to have achiev'd (0'39)
· No.54 Air. Zadok Golden columns, fair and bright (3'17)
· No.55 Recitative. Solomon Gold now is common on our happy shore (0'25)
· No.56 Air. Solomon How green our fertile pastures look (2'39)
· No.57 Recitative. Queen of Sheba May peace in Salem ever dwell! (0'40)
· No.58 Air. Queen of Sheba Will the sun forget to streak (6'22)
· No.59 Recitative. Solomon Adieu, fair queen, and in thy breast (0'17)
· No.60 Duet. Queen of Sheba, Solomon Ev'ry joy that wisdom knows (2'52)
· No.61 Double Chorus Praise the Lord with harp and tongue! (4'21)

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