Saul, oratorio en trois actes (Londres, 1739)
RIAS Kammerchor Berlin, Concerto Köln, René Jacobs
Apple Music
Un oratorio paradoxalement très… théâtral. Si les oratorios ne sont pas destinés à être représentés, ce Saul fait en quelque sorte figure d’exception : il s’appuie sur des indications scéniques précises, imprimées sur les livrets diffusés lors des représentations. Le public anglais pouvait ainsi se construire une sorte de théâtre mental, aidé en cela par les fulgurantes descriptions musicales de Haendel : à l’écoute, on voit la démarche de Goliath, le cours du Jourdain ou le lancer du javelot du roi Saül…
GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL [1685-1759] SAUL · Symphony Allegro - Larghetto - Allegro - Andante larghetto (8'00) · ACT ONE Scene I 1. ChorusHow excellent Thy name, o Lord (2'37) · 2. Air Soprano An infant raised by thy command 3. Trio Alto, tenore, basso Along the monster atheist strode (2'08) · 4. Soprano, alto, tenore, basso The youth inspired by Thee, o Lord 5. Chorus How excellent Thy name, o Lord (3'55) · Scene II 6. Recit & 7. Air Michal He comes, he comes! - O God-like youth! 8. Recitative Abner, Saul, David Behold, o King, the brave, victorious youth (3'38) · 9. Air David O king, your favours with delights 10. Recitative Jonathan Oh early piety! (5'21) · 11. Air Merab What abject thoughts a prince can have! 12. Recitative Merab Yet think, on whom this honour you bestow (2'13) · 13. Air JonathanBirth and fortune I despise! (4'56) · 14. Recitative High Priest Go on, illustrious pair! 15. Air High Priest While yet thy tide of blood runs high (2'45) · 16. Recitative Saul, Merab Thou, Merab, first in birth, be first in honour 17. Air Merab My soul rejects the thought with scorn 18. Air Michal See, with what a scornful air 19. Air Michal Ah, lovely youth, wast thou designed (3'19) · 20. Symphony Andante allegro 21. Recitative Michal Already see the daughters of the land Scene III 22. Chorus Welcome, welcome, mighty king! (2'47) · 23. Accompagnato Saul What do I hear? 24. Chorus David his ten thousands slew 25. Accompagnato Saul To him ten thousands 26. Air Saul With rage I shall start burst his praises to hear (2'17) · Scene IV 27. Recitative Jonathan, Michal Imprudent women! 28. Air Michal Fell rage and black despair possessed (2'58) · 29. Recitative High Priest This but the smallest part of Harmony 30. Accompagnato High Priest By thee this universal frame (2'47) · Scene V 31. Recitative Abner Racked with infernal pains 32. Air David O Lord, whose mercies numberless (3'51) · 33. Symphony Largo 34. Recitative Jonathan 'Tis all in vain, his fury still continues (2'14) · 35. Air Saul A serpent, in my bosom warmed 36. Recitative Saul Has he escaped my rage? (2'22) · 37. Air Merab Capricious man (3'38) · Scene VI 38. Accompagnato Jonathan O filial piety! 39. Air Jonathan No, cruel father, no! (3'00) · 40. Air High Priest O Lord, whose providence 41. Chorus Preserve him for the glory of Thy name (3'37) · ACT TWO Scene I 42. Chorus Envy! Eldest born of hell! (2'47) · Scene II 43. Recitative Jonathan Ah! dearest friend 44. Air Jonathan But sooner Jordan' stream, I swear (2'36) · 45. Recitative David, Jonathan Oh strange vicissitude! 46. Air David Such haughty beauties rather move (5'07)
SAUL · 47. Recitative Jonathan My father comes Scene III 48. Recitative Saul, Jonathan Hast thou obeyed my orders (0'42) · 49. Air Jonathan Sin not, o king, against the youth 50. Air Saul As great Jehovah lives 51. Air Jonathan From cities stormed, and battles won (4'54) · Scene IV 52. Recitative Jonathan, Saul Appear, my friend 53. Air David Your words, o king, my loyal heart 54. Recitative Saul Yes, he shall wed my daughter! (1'49) · Scene V 55. Recitative Michal A father's will has authorised my love 56. Duet Michal, David O fairest of ten thousand fair 57. Chorus Is there a man (4'18) · 58. Symphony Largo - Allegro (4'35) · Scene VI 59. Recitative David Thy father is as cruel 60. Duet David, Michal At persecution I can laugh (1'37) · Scene VII 61. Recitative Michal, Doeg Whom dost thou seek 62. Air Michal No, no let the guilty tremble (2'14) · Scene VIII 63. Recitative Merab Mean as he was, he is my brother now 64. Air Merab Author of peace, who canst controul (3'32) · Scene IX 65. Symphony Allegro (1'06) · 66. Accompagnato Saul The time at length is come Scene X 67. Recitative Saul, Jonathan Where is the son of Jesse? (1'29) · 68. Chorus Oh fatal consequence of Rage (4'46) · ACT THREE Scene I 69. Accompagnato Saul Wretch that I am 70. Recit - Accompagnato Saul 'Tis said, here lives a woman (3'15) · Scene II 71. Recitative Witch, Saul With me what would'st thou 72. Air Witch of Endor Infernal spirits (2'50) · Scene III 73. Accompagnato Samuel, Saul Why hast thou forced me from the realms of peace (2'42) · 74. Symphony Allegro (0'33) · Scene IV 75. Recitative David, Amalekite Whence comest thou? 76. Air David Impious wretch, of race accurst! (2'52) · 77. March Grave (3'03) · Scene V 78. Chorus Mourn, Israel (3'27) · 79. Air High Priest Oh let it not in Gath be heard (2'07) · 80. Air Merab From this unhappy day (2'39) · 81. Air David Brave Jonathan is bow never drew 82. Chorus Eagles were not so swift as they (2'09) · 83. Air Michal In sweetest harmony they lived! 84. Solo David and Chorus O fatal day! 85. Recitative Abner Ye men of Judah, weep no more! (9'06) · 86. Chorus Gird on thy sword, thou man of might (5'01)