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CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI A sacred concert: music for 1, 2 & 3 solo voices Concerto Vocale, René Jacobs

    • Apple Music

    From Mantua to Venice
    Two distinct styles are discernible in Monteverdi’s monumental output - he called them the prima prattica and the seconda prattica, to distinguish his works in the traditional Renaissance style from those in the ‘modern’ style, which founded the new musical aesthetic we now call the ‘Baroque’. Even in the inherently conservative domain of church music Monteverdi was a man of the avant-garde. This is amply borne out in the famous motets, duos and trios on this recording.

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    CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI [1567-1643]
    · Duo seraphim a 3 voci (6'40)
    · O quam pulchra es a voce sola (5'38)
    · O beatae viae a 2 voci (5'44)
    · Salve, o Regina a voce sola (5'47)
    · Confitebor tibi, Domine a voce sola (8'12)
    · Pulchra es, amica mea a 2 voci (4'21)
    · Fugge, anima mea a 2 voci (4'40)
    · Ego flos campi a voce sola (4'15)
    · Nigra sum a voce sola (4'23)
    · Laudate Dominum a voce sola (4'48)
    · Jubilet a voce sola (4'49)
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