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Italien Bettlerlieder Matteo Salvatore

    • Apple Music

    The street song of the Puglia province of Italy, a folk tradition going back to the thirteenth century, is an art that might well have disappeared if it had not been perpetuated by Matteo Salvatore. The disciple of a blind old fiddler who taught him the whole repertory when he was only seven years old, Matteo Salvatore made a name for himself from town to town, from to , until he had his first successes in Turin. It was in 1973 that he recorded this eloquent testimony to the expressive power of these refrains, to be sung ‘in a small thin voice, as our ancestors sang them’.

    Weiterlesen Lese weniger



    · Il lamento dei mendicanti (4'04)
    · Mo ve'la bella mia da la muntagna (2'50)
    · Lu furastiero (2'40)
    · Il pescivendolo (1'56)
    · Il giorno dei morti (3'30)
    · San Michele del Monte (2'23)
    · Padrone mio (2'07)
    · Popolo del paese (3'33)
    · La storia dei due fannulloni (2'18)
    · Inno della republica (1'45)
    · Francisco a lu paiese (2'10)
    · Lu pecurere (2'55)
    · Lu polverone (3'12)
    · La notte e'bella (2'25)