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Mittelalter Gesang der Mailänder Kirche Ensemble Organum, Marcel Pérès


Ausschnitt:Ambrosian Chant. Responsorium

Music from the time of Saint Augustine.
The great figure of Saint Ambrose dominates this so-called ''Ambrosian chant'' the tradition of which goes back to the beginning of the 5th century and was perpetuated most particularly in Milan. Marcel Pérès and his musicians have applied the customs of the chant and the modes of the churches of Athens and Antioch to a form of chant that usage has wrongly Romanised, and has thereby restored the original colours to one of the very earliest liturgical manifestations of the West.

This title was released for the first time in 1989.

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Chant of the Milanese Church
· Lucernarium Paravi lucernam Christo meo (4'42)
· Psalmellus Tui sunt celi et terra (5'29)
· Ingressa Lux fulgebit hodie super nos (1'52)
· Angelorum laus Gloria in excelcis Deo (7'04)
· Psamellus Tecum principium in die virtutis tue (10'21)
· Alleluia. Verset Hodie in Bethlehem puer natus est (7'22)
· Offertorium Ecce apertum est templum tabernaculi (11'29)
· Canticum Ecce quam bonum et jocundum (5'47)
· Offertorium Hec dicit Dominus (7'54)
· Responsorium Congratulamini mihi omnes qui diligitis Dominum (8'02)

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