"Miracles of Compostela". Gesänge & Polyphonie für Santiago aus dem Codex Calixtinus
Anonymous 4
Apple Music
Since the late twelfth century, the Cathedral of Santiago in Compostela has possessed a manuscript entitled Jacobus (or Codex Calixtinus). How it found its way to Compostela is not known for certain, but it is undoubtedly a French product, probably compiled or written in Cluny around 1150. Although they represent a mere ten percent of the music in Jacobus, the polyphonic works have received attention from scholars because they are among the earliest such pieces to have been written down. But the notation in Jacobus is ambiguous as to rhythm and meter, as well as to alignment of pitches between the voice parts in the polyphony...
ANONYMOUS · Invitatory: Venite omnes cristicole (1'15) · Processional: Salve festa dies (4'37) · Benedicamus trope: Vox nostra resonet (1'35) · Invitatory: Regem regum dominum (0'50) · Benedicamus trope: Nostra phalanx plaudat leta (2'23) · Antiphon: Ad sepulcrum beati Iacobi (2'10) · Benedicamus trope: Ad superni regis decus (3'01) · Brief responsory: Iacobe servorum (2'10) · Benedicamus domino (1'50) · Conductus: In hac die laudes (4'26) · Kyrie trope: Cunctipotens genitor (5'13) · Hymn: Psallat chorus celestium (1'07) · Prosa: Alleluia: Gratulemur et letemur (6'24) · Offertory: Ascendens Ihesus in montem (3'44) · Agnus dei trope: Qui pius ac mitis (2'19) · Benedicamus trope: Gratulantes celebremus festum (2'42) · Conductus: Iacobe sancte tuum (4'58) · Responsory: O adiutor omnium seculorum (8'36) · Prosa: Portum in ultimo (2'39) · Benedicamus trope: Congaudeant catholici (3'34) · Prosa: Clemens servulorum (4'48)
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