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Anthologie Maronitischer Gesang Sœur Marie Keyrouz

    • Apple Music

    This CD, largely devoted to traditional Maronite chant, also presents chants from the Syrian Catholic and Syrian Orthodox traditions. Most of the pieces recorded here date back to the early centuries of Christianity, and have an obvious kinship with other ancient chants of the Near East and Middle East.

    This title was released for the first time in 1991.

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    • Soeur Marie Keyrouz


    Traditional Maronite Chant
    · Schubho-lhaw qolo
    Gloire à la parole de Dieu
    Glory to the Word of God (1'52)
    · Taw nimar
    Venons proclamer le bonheur de Marie
    Let us come to proclaim the happiness of Mary (2'01)
    · Yawno Tlito
    La jeune colombe porte l'aigle
    The young dove bears the eagle (2'01)
    · Baytun Maghara
    Une maison, crèche
    A house, manger!
    Ya bikra-l-'abi
    O Fils du Père, nous te glorifions
    O Son of the Father, we glorify thee (2'15)
    · Ho qtilo bmesrén
    Le crucifié en Egypte
    He who was crucified in Egypt
    Ja'al ilahou
    Dieu de tous les siècles est parmi nous
    God of all centuries, is in our midst
    Nous te rendons grâce
    We render thee thanks (2'25)
    · Qanoun /Qanun (3'46)
    · Hallel
    Hallel au Fils de Dieu
    Hallel to the Son of God
    Qadish qadish
    Saint est le Seigneur Dieu
    Holy is the Lord God
    Mshiho dabyaldéh
    O Christ qui par sa nativité
    O Christ who by his birth (3'27)
    · Ya umma-l-lah
    O Mère de Dieu, ô tendre Mère
    O mother of God, O gentle mother (5'58)
    · Anal-'ummu-l-hazina
    Je suis la mère affligée
    I am the afflicted mother (6'11)
    · Nay / Ney (3'18)
    · Fil-layli
    La nuit qui précédait sa passion
    On the eve of his passion (2'33)
    · Bakkara Abram
    A l'aube Abraham emmène son fils unique
    At daybreak Abraham led his only son (3'07)
    · Tisbohto-l-moryo
    Sur la croix, le Fils de Dieu rendit l'âme
    Upon the Cross, the Son of God gave up the ghost (3'31)
    · Yawmou-sh-sharr
    Dieu, prends pitié
    God have mercy
    Mon Dieu crucifié a remis son âme entre les mains de Dieu
    My crucified God has commended his soul into the hands of the Father (3'03)
    · Ud (3'14)
    · Ayyouha-r-Rabbou Ilahuna
    O Seigneur notre Dieu, ô crucifié
    O Lord our God, O crucified one
    Sur la croix est mort le Dieu de l'Univers
    Upon the Cross the God of the Universe has died
    Moubarakun man fadana
    Gloire à celui qui nous a sauvés
    Glory be to him who has redeemed us (6'26)
    · Tara'at
    Marie est apparue devant la croix
    Mary has appeared before the cross (3'33)
    · Halléluia
    Qama-l-lahou min mathwahou

    Dieu est ressuscité d'entre les morts
    God is arisen from among the dead
    Qadishat aloho
    Saint es-tu, Dieu
    Holy art thou, God (4'23)
    · Qama wa-d-dhulmu hawa
    Il est ressuscité et les ténèbres sont tombées
    He is arisen and the darkness has vanished (2'24)
    · Inna-l-masih qad qam
    Le Christ est ressuscité, ô peuple, réjouis-toi !
    Christ is arisen, O people rejoice! (4'32)