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Anthologie Notre-Dame de Paris: Messe für den Weihnachtstag (Gallikanischer Gesang, 17. & 18. Jh.) Ensemble Organum, Marcel Pérès

1 CD
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    The rebirth of Gallican chant.
    During the 17th and 18th centuries, in the heyday of the 'Baroque', the Church of France attempted to revive the old Gallican chant which had been absorbed into the great so-called 'Gregorian' repertoire. An example of this is provided by the plainchant Mass of the Nativity recorded here, a gem of its kind.

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    ANONYMOUS · I. Introït : Parvulus natus est nobis (5'53) · II. Kyrie eleïson (10'21) · III. Gloria in excelsis Deo (20'12) · IV. Graduel : Recordatus est Domine (2'08) · V. Alleluia : Verbum caro factus est (2'25) · VI. Prose : Votis Pater annuit (3'58) · VII. Offertoire : Hostias et oblationes (1'39) · VIII. Préface (1'44) · IX. Sanctus (6'46) · X. Motet au Saint-Sacrement : O salutaris Hostia (4'57) · XI. Agnus Dei (6'32) · XII. Communion : In hoc apparuit caritas Dei (1'45) · XIII. Ite missa est (0'22) · XIV. Deo gratias (0'27) · XV. Postludium (2'39)