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GABRIEL FAURÉ Requiem (Version für großes Orchester von 1901). Mit Franck: Sinfonie in d-Moll La Chapelle Royale, CollegiumVocale Gent, Orchestre des Champs-Elysées, Philippe Herreweghe

1 CD
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    Thirteen years after his memorable recording of the first version of the Fauré Requiem - an intimate version first performed by the composer in 1892, at Saint-Gervais in Paris - Philippe Herreweghe here conducts the 1901 version for full orchestra commissioned by Fauré's publisher for performance in large concert halls.
    Fauré said of this masterpiece: 'My Requiem was composed for nothing... for pleasure, if I may say so!'

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    • Johannette Zomer
    • Stephan Genz
    • La Chapelle Royale
      Symphony Orchestra
    • Collegium Vocale Gent
      Vocal ensemble
    • Orchestre des Champs-Élysées
      Symphony Orchestra
    • Leitung


    GABRIEL FAURÉ [1845-1924] Requiem op.48 (Version pour grand orchestre) · Introït & Kyrie (7'45) · Offertoire (7'57) · Sanctus (3'29) · Pie Jesu (3'46) · Agnus Dei (4'12) · Libera me (6'59) · In paradisum (3'43)CÉSAR FRANCK [1822-1890] Symphonie en ré mineur D minor / d-moll (1888) · Lento. Allegro non troppo (17'55) · Allegretto (9'49) · Allegro non troppo (10'11)

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