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GEORGE GERSHWIN Rhapsody in Blue, An American in Paris, Stücke aus dem Song Book Frank Braley

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    Frank Braley invites us on a trip to America, from Broadway to Hollywood. Here is an opportunity to rediscover George Gershwin’s music on solo piano, in arrangements both of his most famous orchestral works (Rhapsody in Blue, An American in Paris) and of songs from his musicals. Gershwin was more than just Schoenberg’s favourite tennis partner! With the utmost elegance, Frank Braley combines swing and classical concert style in a subtle switch of roles, as if the frontier between the two had never existed.
    This title was released for the first time in 2005.

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    • Frank Braley


    GEORGE GERSHWIN [1898-1937]
    · Jasbo Brown's Blues
    (from Porgy and Bess). Allegro moderato (2'34)
    · Rhapsody in Blue (1924)
    (transcription for solo piano by the composer) (15'19)
    Song Book
    (18 Song Hits arranged by the composer)

    · The Man I Love. Slow and in singing style (2'25)
    · I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise. Vigorously (0'44)
    · 's Wonderful. Liltingly (1'00)
    · I Got Rhythm. Very marked (1'05)
    · Do It Again. Plaintively (1'38)
    · Clap Yo'Hands. Spirited (but sustained) (0'56)
    · Oh, Lady Be Good. Rather slow (with humour) (1'04)
    · Fascinating Rhythm. With agitation (0'51)
    · Somebody Loves Me. In a moderate tempo (1'17)
    · My One and Only. Lively (in strong rhythm) (0'51)
    · That Certain Feeling. Ardently (1'36)
    · Swanee. Spirited (0'38)
    · Sweet and Low Down. Slow (in a jazzy manner) (1'05)
    · Nobody But You. Capriciously (0'53)
    · Strike Up the Band. In spirited march tempo (0'56)
    · Who Cares? Rather slow (1'30)
    · Do Do Do. In a swinging manner (0'59)
    · Liza. Languidly (2'50)
    · An American in Paris (1928)
    (transcription for solo piano by William Daly) (17'21)
    · Prelude (Melody n°17). Slowly with feeling (2'14)
    · Prelude (Novellette in Fourths) (1919, ed. by Alizia Zizzo). Tempo rubato (1'38)
    Three Preludes
    · I. Allegro ben ritmato e deciso. Si bémol majeur / B flat major / B-dur (1'28)
    · II. Andante con moto e poco rubato. Ut dièse mineur / C sharp minor / cis-moll (3'52)
    · III. Allegro ben ritmato e deciso. Mi bémol mineur / E flat minor / es-moll (1'19)
    · Impromptu "in Two Keys" (1924, Mi bémol majeur / E flat major / Es-dur). Moderato (1'08)
    · Two Waltzes in C (adapted by Saul Chaplin) (4'13)
    · Merry Andrew. Allegretto (1'22)
    · Three-Quarter Blues. Andante con moto (0'45)
    · Promenade. Allegro moderato
    Prelude (1923, ed. by Alizia Zizzo). Rubato (3'24)