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JOAQUÍN TURINA Guitar Works Rafael Andia

1 CD

Turina’s guitar music.

Composed between 1923 and 1932 and dedicated to Segovia, the pieces on this recording are the works of a composer who was trained as a pianist, but who could “hear” (and compose for) the guitar. Fusing the musical incandescence of Albéniz, his teacher, and the Andalusian alchemy of Manuel de Falla, Turina, the musician from Seville, succeeded in creating a voice of his own: that of someone in love with his native soil, but who did not entirely forget his training at the Schola, or French Impressionism. According to Rafael Andia, the player must reconcile “the fin de siècle flavour that still lingers in these pages with the heartrending asperity of the Cante Jondo.

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  • Rafael Andia


  • Joaquín Turina


JOAQUÍN TURINA [1882-1949]
· Sevillana op.29 (1923) (7'16)
· Fandanguillo op.36 (1925) (5'11)
· Ráfaga op.53 (1930) (2'52)
Sonata op.61 (1932)
· I. Allegro (4'03)
· II. Andante (2'39)
· III. Allegro vivo (2'59)
Homenaje a Tarrega op.69 (1932)
· Garrotin (2'32)
· Soleares (2'16)
· Tres Danzas Andaluzas op.8 : Tango n°2 (1912) (4'46)
Cinco Danzas Gitanas op.55 (1929)
· Zambra (5'01)
· Danza de la Seduccion (3'30)
· Danza Ritual (2'12)
· Generalife (2'18)
· Sacromonte (2'00)
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