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Middle Ages "A Lammas Ladymass". 13th & 14th cent. English Chant and Polyphony Anonymous 4

    • Apple Music

    Medieval Britain celebrated both the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and her Coronation during Lammas, the Celtic festival of harvest. Drawing from the vast treasury of 13th and 14th century English chant and polyphony, Anonymous 4 employ their “pure perfection” to create a Ladymass such as might have been sung to honor Mary’s feast.

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    • Anonymous


    · Antiphon Que est ista (0'54)
    · Hymn O quam glorifica (3'27)
    · Conductus Ave tuos benedic (2'51)
    · Motet In odore (1'35)
    · Conductus Salve mater salvatoris (3'47)
    · Introit Salve sancta parens (3'45)
    · Kyrie (2'22)
    · Gloria (2'29)
    · Gradual Benedicta et venerabilis (4'14)
    · Conductus Ave gloriosa mater (2'04)
    · Alleluia Virga ferax aaron (3'33)
    · Sequence O maria stella maris (6'24)
    · Sequence O ceteris preamabilis (2'51)
    · Motet O quam glorifica... (1'30)
    · Recordare Virgo Mater Offertory (4'34)
    · Sanctus (2'47)
    · Agnus Dei (2'26)
    · Communion Alma dei genitrix (0'51)
    · Conductus Salve mater salvatoris (3'45)
    · Conductus Paradisi porta (1'11)
    · Dismissal Ite missa est (0'32)
    · Sequence Pangat melos grex devotus (4'51)

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