Chamber music: trio sonatas, grounds, pavans, etc.
London Baroque
1 CD
Excerpt:Three Parts on a Ground in D
Purcell and chamber music.
With the exception of the 4-part Fantasias, this recording contains the other instrumental pieces to be found in Purcell’s autograph manuscript. The young composer here systematically explores the various instrumental styles that were known to him: the “French” ouverture, the chaconne, the ground, the Italian style of the trio sonatas, etc. This title was released for the first time in 1999.
HENRY PURCELL [1659-1695] · Three Parts on a Ground in D Z.731 Ré majeur / D-dur (4'23) · Sonata No. VI in G minor Z.807 sol mineur / g-moll (6'13) · Pavan a 4 (for 3 violins) in G minor Z.752 sol mineur / g-moll (4'58) · Chacony a 4 in G minor Z.730 sol mineur / g-moll (4'19) · Pavan a 3 in B flat Z.750 Si bémol majeur / B-dur (3'27) · Pavan a 3 in G minor Z.751 sol mineur / g-moll (2'55) · Pavan a 3 in a minor Z.749 la mineur / a-moll (3'53) · Pavan a 3 in A Z.748 La majeur / A-dur (3'53) Sonata No. VII in E minor Z.796 mi mineur / e-moll · Adagio (1'34) · Canzona (1'38) · Largo (1'28) · Grave (1'08) · Vivace (1'36) Sonata No. XII in D Z.801 Ré majeur / D-dur · Adagio (0'32) · Canzona (1'01) · Poco largo (1'13) · Grave (0'28) · Presto (0'52) · Allegro (0'59) · Overture a 4 in D minor Z.771 ré mineur / d-moll (3'17) · Overture a 4 in G Z.336 Sol majeur / G-dur (2'46) · Overture a 5 in G minor Z.772 sol mineur / g-moll (2'45) Suite a 4 in G Z.770 Sol majeur / G-dur · Overture (2'27) · Sarabande (1'47) · Bourrée (0'53) · Minuet (1'33) · Jig (0'35)