Special box-set Génération harmonia mundi, 1988-2018: The Family Spirit Multiple performers
Over the past sixty years, several families of musicians have written the history of harmonia mundi. 1988-2018: after the success of Atys and the St Matthew Passion, the Arles years saw those families branching out and opening up to new generations with a consistency clearly visible in the artistic policy – the passion for excellence, and a certain sincerity of interpretation too, as may be seen notably in Haydn’s Seasons. As well as filiations, this set gives examples of musical chemistry, encounters, new paths for exploration and even the odd amusing deviation from the norm . . .
A unique and exciting story!
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, Anonymous 4, Diego Ares, Emmanuelle Bertrand, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Le Caravansérail, Bertrand Cuiller, Concerto Vocale, Cuarteto Casals, Lorenzo Coppola, Richard Egarr, Ensemble 415, Chiara Banchini, Ensemble Correspondances, Sébastien Daucé, Ensemble Explorations, Roel Dieltiens, Ensemble Signal, Brad Lubman, Isabelle Faust, Freiburger Barockorchester, Gli Incogniti, Amandine Beyer, Matthias Goerne, Werner Güra, Harmonie Ensemble, Steven Richman, Pablo Heras-Casado, Philippe Herreweghe, Sophie Karthäuser, Maria Cristina Kiehr, Bejun Mehta, Alexander Melnikov, René Jacobs, Mark Padmore, Javier Perianes, Bruno Philippe, Josep Pons, Pygmalion, Raphaël Pichon, Jean-Guihen Queyras, RIAS Kammerchor, Christophe Rousset, Andreas Scholl, Les Siècles, François-Xavier Roth, Andreas Staier, Antoine Tamestit, Alexandre Tharaud, Cédric Tiberghien, Trio Wanderer, Lawrence Zazzo…
· Les héritiers d'Alfred Deller / The heirs of Alfred Deller (78'15)
· L'épopée lyrique de René Jacobs / The operatic odyssey of René Jacobs (74'37)
· Les demoiselles de Bâle / The ladies of Basel (74'58)
· Les nouveaux claviers / The new keyboard virtuosos (I) (80'00)
· Les nouveaux claviers / The new keyboard virtuosos (II) (81'03)
· Le style classique revisité / The Classical style revisited (I) (62'28)
· Le style classique revisité / The Classical style revisited (II) (62'38)
· Le style classique revisité / The Classical style revisited (III) (77'27)
· Le style classique revisité / The Classical style revisited (IV) (77'37)
· Les violoncelles français / The French cello school (73'38)
· "Die Neue Romantik" (77'39)
· Vers une interprétation "historiquement informée" / Towards 'historically informed performance' (52'59)
· Un trio de stars... et la star des trios / A trio of stars. . . and the star trio (79'06)
· Les maîtres du Lied / The masters of Lied (80'29)
· Les nouveaux explorateurs / The new explorers (I) (79'04)
· Les nouveaux explorateurs / The new explorers (II) (80'27)
· La nouvelle génération / The new generation (75'16)
· Conjuguer les pratiques / Masters of every styles (72'22)