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Goyescas - El pelele

Javier Perianes
1 Vinyl
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Francisco Goya's paintings have left a powerful imprint on the European imagination. It was undoubtedly Granados who best translated into music, with nobility and humour, this colourful universe where majos and majas dance to love and death in the twilight glow of a dying Ancien Régime.

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  • Enrique Granados


Goyescas Op.11Side A Libro / Livre / Book 1 ·  Los requiebros (10'20) ·  Coloquio en la reja (12'48) Side B Libro / Livre / Book 2 ·  El fandango de candil (6'28) ·  Quejas, o La maja y el ruiseñor (7'44) Side C ·  El amor y la muerte: Balada (13'46) ·  Epílogo: Serenata del espectro (8'41) Side D ·  El Pelele (4'57)


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