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Anthology "Haec Dies". Music for Easter Time Choir of Clare College, Cambridge, Graham Ross

1 CD
    • Apple Music

    The Choir of Clare College, Cambridge and director Graham Ross continue their series of music for the church year with a sequence for Easter Day that spans five centuries and explores the rich tapestry of repertoire from across the European continent.

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    ROLAND DE LASSUS [1530-1594] · Aurora lucis rutilat (3'19) JOHN TAVERNER [c.1490-1545] · Dum transisset Sabbatum (7'49) ANONYMOUS · Resurrexi (1'33) SAMUEL SCHEIDT [1587-1654] · Surrexit Christus hodie (1'14) RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS [1872-1958] · Five Mystical Songs I. Easter (5'10) ANONYMOUS · Haec dies (2'57) WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623] · Haec dies (2'07) MATTHEW MARTIN · Haec dies (4'32) ANONYMOUS · Victimae paschali laudes (2'01) GIOVANNI BASSANO [1558-1617] · Dic nobis Maria (2'48) ANONYMOUS · Terra tremuit (1'18) GIOVANNI PIERLUIGI DA PALESTRINA [1525-1594] · Terra tremuit (2'03) ROLAND DE LASSUS [1530-1594] · Surrexit pastor bonus (2'26) MICHAEL HALLER · Surrexit pastor bonus (2'21) WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623] · Pascha nostrum (2'12) JEAN LHÉRITIER [c. 1480-after 1552] · Surrexit pastor bonus (5'03) SERGEI RACHMANINOV [1873-1943] · All-Night Vigil, Op. 37 XIII. Dnes' spaseniye (1'43) SAMUEL SEBASTIAN WESLEY · Blessed be the God and Father (7'13) PATRICK HADLEY · My beloved spake (3'10) CHARLES VILLIERS STANFORD · Ye choirs of new Jerusalem (4'49) ROLAND DE LASSUS [1530-1594] · Magnificat octavi toni super "Aurora lucis rutilat" (6'09)


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