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Christmas Magnificat BWV 243.1 & Te Deum for the Peace of Utrecht HWV 278

RIAS Kammerchor Berlin & Akademie für Alte Müsik Berlin, Justin Doyle

Excerpt:III. Vom Himmel hoch

Whether celebrating the Peace of Utrecht in London (Handel’s Te Deum) or the Nativity in Leipzig (Bach’s Magnificat, performed here in its original version), Handel and Bach played the card of vocal and orchestral splendour. Flanked by an outstanding quintet of soloists, the RIAS Kammerchor offers us a flamboyant interpretation of these seminal works.

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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Magnificat BWV 243.1 (243a) E flat major / mi bémol majeur / Es-Dur · Magnificat anima mea (2'49) · Et exsultavit spiritus meus (2'12) · Vom Himmel hoch (1'41) · Quia respexit (2'32) · Omnes generationes (1'12) · Quia fecit mihi magna (1'46) · Freut euch und jubiliert (1'15) · Et misericordia (3'07) · Fecit potentiam (1'49) · Gloria in excelsis Deo (1'01) · Deposuit potentes (1'50) · Esurientes implevit bonis (2'54) · Virga Jesse (3'23) · Suscepit Israel (2'06) · Sicut locutus est (1'25) · Gloria Patri (2'11)George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) Te Deum for the Peace of Utrecht HWV 278 Pour le traité de paix d'Utrecht, / für den Frieden von Utrecht D Major / ré majeur / D-Dur · We praise thee, O God (Adagio) (3'48) · To thee all angels cry aloud (Largo e staccato) (1'10) · To thee cherubin and seraphin (Andante) (1'07) · The glorious company of the apostles (Andante - Adagio - Allegro- Adagio - Allegro) (4'55) · When thou took’st upon thee to deliver man (Adagio - Allegro - Adagio - Allegro) (3'03) · We believe that thou shalt come to be our judge (Largo) (2'51) · Day by day we magnify thee (Allegro) (1'12) · And we worship thy name (0'47) · Vouchsafe, O Lord (Adagio) (3'03) · O Lord, in thee have I trusted (Allegro) (1'08)

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