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Magnificat Wq 215

RIAS Kammerchor, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, Hans-Christoph Rademann
1 CD
    • Apple Music

    The achievements of a lifetime.
    On 9 April 1786, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach conducted a charity concert in Hamburg featuring three of his finest and most representative works: the Symphony Wq 183/1 (1780), the Magnificat written in 1749 in the hope of succeeding his father as Kantor in Leipzig, and finally the stupendous Heilig (1776) for double choir, of which he wrote: ‘It will be my swansong of this kind, and will serve to ensure that I shall not soon be forgotten after my death.’ He was right: 300 years after his birth, this CD with the same programme proves as much.

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    CARL PHILIPP EMANUEL BACH [1714-1788] Magnificat Wq 215 · 1. Chor. Magnificat anima mea Dominum (2'54) · 2. Arie (S). Quia respexit humilitatem (5'32) · 3. Arie (T). Quia fecit mihi magna (3'59) · 4. Chor. Et misericordia eius (3'59) · 5. Arie (B). Fecit potentiam in bracchio suo (3'37) · 6. Duett (A, T). Deposuit potentes de sede (5'52) · 7. Arie (A). Suscepit Israel puerum suum (4'43) · 8. Chor. Gloria Patri et Filio (1'49) · 9. Chor. Sicut erat in principio (5'15) Heilig ist Gott Wq 217 · 1. Ariette (A). Herr, wert, daß Scharen der Engel (1'44) · 2. Chor der Engel und Völker. Heilig, heilig, heilig ist Gott (5'56) Sinfonie D-Dur Wq 183/1 / Ré majeur / D major · I. Allegro di molto (5'47) · II. Largo (1'34) · III. Presto (2'51)

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