"Melancholia" : Madrigals & Motets around 1600
Les Cris de Paris, Geoffroy Jourdain
1 CD
Apple Music
A most unusual cabinet of curiosities ‘Finding pleasure even in meditating on what causes one’s pain’: that neatly defines the theme of this album of music from the cusp of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Here Italian and English madrigals rub shoulders with motets and Tenebrae responsories. A melancholic poetry that provided endless nourishment for musical creativity in the late Renaissance, and which Geoffroy Jourdain presents in his first recording for harmonia mundi.
WILBYE JOHN [1574-1638] · Draw on, Sweet Night (4'38) WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623] · Tristitia et anxietas (prima pars) (5'55) CESARE TUDINO [c. 1530-après 1591] · Altro che lagrimar (2'15) CARLO GESUALDO [1561-1613] · O vos omnes (3'25) NENNA POMPONIO [1556-1608] · La mia doglia s'avanza (2'29) WILBYE JOHN [1574-1638] · O wretched man (2'41) WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623] · Come to me grief forever (1'11) ORLANDO GIBBONS [1583-1625] · What is our Life? (4'12) LUCA MARENZIO [1553-1599] · Crudele acerba inesorabil' morte (2'38) WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623] · Lullaby, my sweet little baby (1'03) LUZZASCO LUZZASCHI [1545-1607] · Quivi sospiri (2'15) CARLO GESUALDO [1561-1613] · Mercè grido piangendo (3'18) WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623] · Lullaby, my sweet little baby (1'03) CARLO GESUALDO [1561-1613] · O vos omnes (2'50) LUCA MARENZIO [1553-1599] · Solo e pensoso (4'58) CARLO GESUALDO [1561-1613] · Tristis est anima mea (4'58) WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623] · Lullaby, my sweet little baby (1'48) THOMAS WEELKES [1576-1623] · O Care, thou wilt despatch me (3'41) WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623] · Lullaby, my sweet little baby (1'26) THOMAS TOMKINS [1572-1656] · Too much I once lamented (5'39) WILLIAM BYRD [1543-1623] · Come to me grief forever (4'39)