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CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI Missa In illo tempore Ensemble Vocal Européen, Philippe Herreweghe

HMA 1951355
    • Apple Music

    The masses for four and six voices presented here give a glimpse of the personal and musical itinerary that took Monteverdi from Mantua to Venice, from the prima to the seconda prattica. Bridging two eras, the maestro reveals his supreme mastery of the art of the past while simultaneously shaping the language of the future.
    This title was released for the first time in 1991.

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    Messa a quattro voci da cappella (1650) · Kyrie (4'12) · Gloria (4'24) · Credo (5'48) · Sanctus (2'44) · Benedictus (1'36) · Agnus Dei (3'50) · Adoramus a sei voci (1620) (3'28) Missa da cappella a sei voci "In illo tempore" (1610) · Kyrie (4'35) · Gloria (5'57) · Credo (8'51) · Sanctus (3'39) · Benedictus (2'27) · Agnus Dei (6'59)

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