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HENRY PURCELL O Solitude & other songs (vinyl) Alfred Deller, Deller Consort

1 Vinyl

Excerpt:O Solitude

Despite the supreme refinement of their inspiration, Purcell’s songs retain a character of great simplicity, perpetuating a tradition of the English song born with the Elizabethan madrigalists and continuing to the present day, thanks to the door opened by Alfred Deller.

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HENRY PURCELL [1659-1695]
· O Solitude, Z. 406 (6'03)
· O Lord, God of hosts, Z. 37 (5'44)
· O Give Thanks unto the Lord, Z. 33 (10'57)
· My song shall be alway, Z. 31 (13'26)
· Hear My Prayer, O Lord, Z. 15 (2'39)
· Blow up the trumpet in Sion, Z. 10 (7'24)

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