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MATTHEW LOCKE Psyche, an English opera after Molière, Quinault & Corneille (London, 1675) Ensemble Correspondances, Sébastien Daucé

2 CD
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Inspired by the Psyché created collectively by Lully, Molière, Corneille and Quinault, Locke's Psyche was a veritable artistic firework display: seeking to vie in splendour with the operas of continental Europe, it luxuriously combined theatre, song, dance, and spectacular machines and scenery. Sébastien Daucé here offers us his splendid reconstruction of this key masterpiece in the history of early English opera.

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  • Matthew Locke


MATTHEW LOCKE [1621-1677] · ACT I Overture (2'16) ACT I Scene 1 · A symphony of recorders and soft musick (0'43) · Pan & Nymphs: 'Great Psyche, goddess of each Field and Grove' (2'13) · A rustick dance of Sylvans & Dryads (2'20) · Symphony of rustick musick representing an eccho (1'00) · Song of Ecchoes: 'Great Psyche shall find no such pleasure as here' (2'33) · Dance for Ambition, Power, Plenty and Peace (1'05) · Entry of Envy (1'57) · Song of Envy & Furies: 'Envy 'gainst Psyche' (1'23) · Entry of the Princes Nicander & Polynices (2'45) · Symphony at the descending of Venus in her chariot drawn by doves (0'43) · Venus: 'With kindness I your pray'rs receive' (1'22) · Symphony at the ascending of Venus in her chariot drawn by doves (0'49) · ACT II Act tune: the temple of Apollo Delphicus (1'31) ACT II Scene 1 · Song of procession in the temple: 'Let's to Apollo's Altar now repair' (2'30) · Chief Priest: 'Son of Latona' (4'20) · Dance of Priests (0'59) · Chief Priest & his attendants: 'To Apollo, our Celestial King' (0'29) · Ceremony for Apollo (1'06) ACT II Scene 2 · Entry for Despairing Lovers (2'13) · Four Despairing Lovers: 'Break, break distracted heart' (5'03) · Interlude: Italian Lament [extr. from Lully's Psyché] (10'37)· ACT III Act tune (3'34) ACT III Scene 1 · Dance of Cyclopes (0'55) · Song of Vulcan: 'Ye bold Sons of Earth' (3'43) · Song at the Treat of Cupid & Psyche: 'All joy to fair Psyche' (3'59) ACT III Scene 2 · Warlike dance with a consort of loud martial musick (1'41) · Song and dance of the Salij: 'Let us loudly rejoice' (1'04) · Song of Praesul: 'Great God of War' (1'41) · Warlike dance (0'47) · Praesul: 'While we to Mars' (0'19) · Venus & Mars meet in the Air in their chariots; his drawn by horses, and hers by doves (1'32) · Song of Venus & Mars: 'Great God of War' (2'24) · Entry of Furies (1'04) · ACT IV Scene 1 Act tune: a stately garden belonging to the magnificent palace (1'22) ACT IV Scene 1 · Entry for two Cupids (1'07) · Song for two Cupids: 'Let old Age' (1'27) · Dance of the statues, leaping from their pedestals (1'33) ACT IV Scene 2 · God of the River & two Nymphs to Psyche: 'Stay, stay' (2'25) · Symphony at the descending of Venus (1'19) · ACT V Act tune: burning ruins of buildings, the throne of Pluto, and a great number of Devils & Furies (0'42) ACT V Scene 1 · Devils & Furies: 'To what great distresses' (2'07) · Dance of the Furies (0'47) · Entry of Pluto (3'08) · Pluto: 'Refrain your tears' (0'59) · Proserpina & Pluto: 'Psyche, draw near' (2'08) · Proserpina & Pluto: 'Be gone, fair Psyche' (1'58) ACT V Scene 2 Scene 3 · Symphony at the descending of Apollo and the Gods (1'29) · Apollo: 'Assemble all the ye Heavenly Quire' (2'21) · Three Elysian Lovers: 'On Earth by unkindness' (2'10) · Symphony at the descending of Jupiter, Cupid & Psyche (1'07) · Dance for Six Elysian Princes (1'33) · Mars: 'Behold the God' (1'10) · Rustick musick of Mænades & Ægipanes (1'05) · Grand chorus and dance, with all the instruments: 'All joy to this Celestial Pair' (2'33)


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