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RICHARD WAGNER Famous Opera Scenes. Piano transcriptions Nikolai Lugansky

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Wagner’s genius is often associated with his unique feeling for orchestration. Yet the transcriptions and paraphrases for piano solo recorded here lay bare the beauty and boldness of his harmonic language, with an evocative power unrivalled at the time. Nikolai Lugansky, at once narrator and virtuoso, immerses us in a world where the heroes of legend tell us – and with what loftiness of spirit! – of the torments and aspirations of humanity.

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Top Mezzo Award



Famous Opera ScenesDAS RHEINGOLD · Einzug der Götter in Walhall (07'30) Entry of the Gods into Valhalla / Entrée des dieux au Walhalla. Scene 4DIE WALKÜRE · Feuerzauber (04'28) Magic Fire Music / L'Enchantement du Feu, Act III. Scene 3GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG · Liebesduett von Brünnhilde und Siegfried („Zu neuen Taten, teurer Helde“) (07'30) Brünnhilde and Siegfried's love duet / Duo d'amour de Brünnhilde et Siegfried. Prologue · Siegfrieds Rheinfahrt (05'22) Siegfried's Rhine Journey / Voyage de Siegfried sur le Rhin. · Siegfrieds Trauermarsch (09'06) Siegfried's Funeral March / Marche funèbre de Siegfried. Act III ·Finale: Brünnhildes Schlussgesang (06'27) Brünnhilde's Immolation / Immolation de Brünnhilde. Act IIIPARSIFAL ·Verwandlungsmusik & Schluss-Szene (13'11) Transformation Music & Finale / Musique de transformation & Finale. Act I & Act IIITRISTAN UND ISOLDE ·„Isoldens Liebestod“ S. 447 (07'21) Isolde's Liebestod / Mort d'amour d'Isolde. Act III


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