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Suburbis. Les Impropères

Josep Pons
    • Apple Music

    'If you're not familiar with Mompou's work, this disc can provide a good introduction, and if you are, here's a chance to hear some of the composer's outstanding works. Recommended.' - High Performance Review
    'I find this music fresh and attractive and I do recommend it.' - American Record Guide
    This title was released for the first time in 1994.

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    • Virginia Parramon
    • Jerzy Artysz
    • Cor de Valencia
    • Orquestra de Cambra Teatre Lliure
    • Conductor


    FREDERIC MOMPOU [1893-1987]
    · El carrer, el guitarrista i el vell cavall (4'33)
    · Gitanes I (2'16)
    · Gitanes II (2'14)
    · La cegueta (2'58)
    · L'home de l'aristó (2'21)
    Scènes d'enfants
    · Cris dans la rue (1'46)
    · Jeu (2'19)
    · Jeunes filles au jardin (3'16)
    · Jeux sur la plage (1'59)
    Les Impropères
    · I. Preludio (1'21)
    · II. "Popule meus" (2'22)
    · III. "Hágios o Theós / Sanctus Deus" (1'08)
    · IV. "Quia eduxite per desertum" - V. "Sanctus Deus" (1'27)
    · "Quid ultra debui facere tibi" (5'21)
    · VI. "Ego propter te flagellavi Aegyptum" (4'31)
    · VII. "Ego te potavi aqua salutis de petra" (2'29)
    · VIII. Antífona. "Crucem tuam adoramus" (6'23)
    Combat del somni
    · "Damunt de tu, només les flors" (3'54)
    · "Aquesta nit un mateix vent" (2'44)
    · "Jo et pressentia com la mar" (2'04)

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