Weihnachtshistorie (Christmas History)
Cantus Cölln, Concerto Palatino, Konrad Junghänel
1 CD
Belonging to the same tradition as the celebrated Weihnachtshistorie of his teacher Schütz, these sacred concertos by Rosenmüller date from the period 1645-50, when the young composer was enjoying a rapid rise to eminence in the good city of Leipzig. Long before his enforced exile in Venice for ‘unnatural vice’, a typically Italian suavity is already clearly perceptible all through these remarkable settings of St Luke’s account of the Nativity. Cantus Cölln returns here to its favourite repertoire, eight years after a first release devoted to the same composer’s Vesper music.
JOHANN ROSENMÜLLER [1619-1684] · Es waren Hirten auf dem Felde bei den Hürden (7'54) · Nihil novum sub sole (10'49) · Christus ist mein Leben und Sterben mein ist mein Gewinn (7'08) · Lieber Herre Gott (3'06) · Gloria in excelsis Deo (11'12) · Ich freue mich in Dir und heiße dich willkommen (11'06) · O Nomen Jesu (3'43) · Entsetze dich, Natur (21'29)